A 5-Week LIVE Online Expressive Arts Journey
Connect to your inner wellspring of wisdom & rekindle your relationship to spontaneous creative expression, playfulness and love of life
Beautiful Soulful Sister
Lost your spark?
Feeling jaded and uninspired?
Spending too much time shape-shifting to please others at your soul’s expense?
Want to tap into something more than the day-to-day grind?
Or maybe you’re simply craving deep connection to self, community and Life?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these, join me on a 5-week Live online expressive arts journey to reclaim your sense of self – sacred, unique and full of beauty, reconnect with your inner wellspring of wisdom and creativity, and commune with a beautiful community of soulful like-hearted women like you.

Its important for you to reclaim that for yourself because:
You matter.
There is more to life than the day-to-day grind.
You are more wise, creative and powerful than you think.
You can create a vibrant and authentic life for yourself.
And the unique and full expression of you is needed on Earth now.

Now more than ever is the time for women to rise up and stand firmly rooted in their own ancient wild and wise wisdom.
Profound changes are happening on our planet with deep divisions in our collective.
A crisis of the imagination is more than ever being experienced as we face challenges that never before confronted our existence as a species in such drastic ways.
Rekindling our relationship to our inner wellspring of wisdom and creativity has never been more important than now.
This is an invitation to reclaim your ability to express and stand in your truth with confidence.

Come be seen, heard, held and supported in experiencing the full spectrum of what it is to be a fully expressed human being through the expressive arts with me and a small intimate group of 5 to 10 other like-hearted women.
We will work with a number of modalities (e.g., rituals, guided visualizations, grounding meditations) weaved together into the transformational modality of expressive arts, which combines multiples creative modalities in a single session (e.g., writing, movement, visual arts) to tap into your soul’s wisdom, the essence of you.
Through the holding of sacred space for you, for us as a collective of beautiful soulful women, and opening paths of permission to show up exactly as we are and express what needs to be expressed, my intention is to guide you, us, back to our freedom, creativity, joy and aliveness
And you don’t need to be an “artist” to do this.
No matter what ideas about creativity you’ve adopted from an old paradigm and outdated way of viewing the world and life that no longer serves us…
Creativity is your birthright.
It does not have to look pretty!
It is not meant to be compared, censored or judged!
Creativity only needs to be expressed, authentically!
It’s your heart and your soul’s wisdom calling you home!
It’s a gateway to altered states of consciousness that help you see yourself and the world differently!
It can free your heart!
And it can help heal ours and our world’s wounds.
When you tap into your creative energy, life flows, life is vibrant and full of passion, joy and possibilities!
Included in this 5-week journey:
- 5 weekly 2.5 hour Live Online intimate group expressive arts workshops
Join with a collective of 6-10 women max in a safe and sacred container. Together, we’ll move through a journey using the expressive arts (visual, movement, writing, voice), play, ritual, powerful visualization meditations and other tools to help rekindle your relationship to spontaneous creative expression, playfulness and love of life to elevate your heART and Soul. This is an introductory journey.
- One additional 2.5 hour Live Online session
Intimate group celebratory session following the 5 weekly sessions to celebrate your growth, thank Great Spirit for the journey to yourself and mark the important transition into a more fully expressed version of you.
- A tribe of like hearted sisters
A tribe of sisters to connect with, grow with and support one another— a private group membership will be created to facilitate this. This will be a place to connect and create magic with one another as your creative heart and soul flow emerge within the supportive safe space of your community.
The Journey
Traveling through the first five chakras, the journey will unfold as follows:
- Week 1: I AM – Grounding into Safety and Identity
- Week 2: I FEEL – Rekindling Senses
- Week 3: I ACT – Rekindling Sense of Strong Self
- Week 4: I LOVE – Rekindling Self Love and Self Compassion
- Week 5: I EXPRESS – Reclaiming Voice and Self-Expression
Throughout the journey, opportunities to expand paths of permission to explore, play, feel, express and connect deeply with self and others will emerge.
BONUS Session Week 6: RELEASE, REBIRTH & CELEBRATE – Letting go, Calling in and Stepping into our new selves with renewed vitality and love of life, rekindled spontaneous creative expression, beautiful sisterhood and embodied vision for the journey ahead.
Sign up to know when the next journey begins!
Will you join me?
If your heart is whispering yes to you, sign-up to get on the waitlist using the button below.
I look forward to connecting with you!