A 12-Week Expressive Arts Journey into Self for Women.
A Journey of Remembrance, Self Love & Reclaiming Lost Parts of Self for a more Vibrant & Creative Life.

It’s Time To Rise Up And Stand In Your Truth.

You have within you all that you need to be the creator of your own life.
There is NOTHING wrong with you!
You are powerful.
And the unique expression of you is needed on Earth now.
Have you, like so many of us, been keeping yourself small to fit in, to live up to societal expectations?
Have you lost the truth of your heart and your capacity to dream outside the confines of old systems and structures that are no longer serving you?
This is an invitation to reclaim your ability to express and stand in your truth with confidence.
Maybe you’ve mistakenly begun to believe that it’s you who’s the problem for wanting more out of life…
Maybe you’ve convinced yourself you’re too much, too loud, too difficult, too shy, too this or too that or not enough.
The truth is that you are not the problem, but rather, everything about you is part of the SOLUTION!
You, the intelligence of your body, your creative force, and your kaleidoscope of beautiful emotions are the gateway to feeling fully alive and embodied in this life.
When you experience these emotions safely through the expressive arts and the lens of awareness:
They become portals to extraordinary insights and wisdom.
They become power and purpose.
So don’t “keep calm and carry on!”
Instead, I invite you on a journey to…
Lean in, move through and rise up!
Come be seen, heard, held and supported in experiencing the full spectrum of what it is to be a fully expressed human being through the expressive arts with me.
Experiencing your emotions through the expressive arts can be a playful and gentle pathway to healing those deep wounds that have felt too big to go into, and to transform these into powerful medicine.
Held in a safe container, you will be held gently and with sacred respect as you take the steps towards your own liberation.
This container is designed to support you to move at your own pace, learning to lean increasingly more into the wisdom of your own unique Being.
You don’t need to be an artist to do this!
No matter what ideas about creativity you’ve adopted from an old paradigm and outdated way of viewing the world and life that no longer serves us…
Creativity does not have to look pretty!
Creativity is not meant to be compared, censored or judged!
Creativity only needs to be expressed, authentically!
It’s your heart and your soul’s wisdom calling you home!
It’s a gateway to altered states of consciousness that help you see yourself and the world differently.
So, if you’re LONGING to unlock your creative potential in a way that is nourishing, that unleashes the truth that’s been hiding inside you for too long…
Expressing your heART is the key.

Inside my 12-week online expressive arts journey… you will discover how to unearth, reclaim and fall in love again with the unique expression of you.

Included in this program:
- 12 weekly 1-hour Live Online intimate group mentoring sessions. Join with others in a safe and sacred container to express, share, learn and connect.
- 11 Modules of Self-Paced Learnings and Expressive Arts Journeys. Life-time access to a virtual space with teachings, meditations, visualizations, and expressive arts journeys to deepen into Self, connect to your creative Spirit, nourish your heart, tap into your inner wellspring of wisdom, remove the blocks that keep you small.
- The self-paced journey is comprised of two parts: the preparation and the initiation. This journey, combined with group and 1:1 sessions will move you through a soul retrieval and empowerment journey using the expressive arts (visual, movement, writing, voice), creative play, ritual, powerful visualizations, meditations and other tools to help heal what needs to be healed to elevate your heART and Soul.
- The preparation phase will see you create a sacred space and container for your self, as well as sacred somatic boundaries and self love, a practice aligned with your needs, and a deep understanding of your own nervous system response to facilitate your journey back to a regulated nervous system.
- The initiation phase is an invitation to move deeper to remove the inner blocks that keep your soul from being fully embodied and expressed in this life, and a journey to come back into right relation with your emotions and connect deeply with your Inner Wise Knowing Woman and your Creative Spirit.
- One additional 2-hour Live Online intimate group celebratory session at the tail end of your journey to celebrate your growth, thank Great Spirit for the journey to yourself and mark the important transition into a more fully expressed version of you.
- Three 1-on-1 60-minutes sessions. You can tailor these however feels most appropriate to your personal journey and needs. For example, you may use these as 1-hour long sessions, or as 2 90-minutes sessions or as weekly 15 minutes check-ins, or…(insert your preference here). With 60 and 90 minutes sessions, you and I will dive deeper into the unique blocks that stop your own inspired and intuitive creative expression to shine into your life and into the world. This will help you move more deeply into your own heart and soul flow; and into the unique expression of you, free of fear or judgment.
- A tribe of like hearted sisters (or humans*) to grow with and support one another— a private group membership will be created to facilitate this. This will become a place to connect and create magic with one another as your creative heart and soul flow emerge within the supportive safe space of your community.

So… are you feeling ready?
Ready to:
Connect more deeply to the sacred and unique wisdom and power of You?
Step into your own brilliance and let it shine for all to see even if it doesn’t match the mainstream’s definition of brilliance?
Be safely seen, heard and held as you share yourself as vulnerably and courageously as feels right for you, and expand your ability to continue to speak and express your truth, your heart?
Discover powerful processes to heal those wounds that keep you stuck and strengthen your emotional resilience so you can step into more aliveness and playfulness?
Step outside the narrow confines of your habitual thinking to find innovative solutions to old persisting problems, behaviours and thought patterns so you can meet the world with new eyes?
Are you ready to:
Step into more aliveness and playfulness?
Be more bold, more wild, more free?
If you felt a “yes” bubble up when you read that…
I invite you to schedule a free 60- minute Soul Chat call with me now. Find a moment in my calendar that suits your needs and let’s connect!
Not quite ready to connect by phone? That’s OKAY. Email me here and we can take it from there.

I am thrilled you’ve found yourself in this sacred spot where you are considering EXPRESSING the soul and heART that so longs to be expressed in your life….
I look forward to walking with and supporting you into a fuller and more alive version of you!
The unique manifestation of you and your unique creative gifts, the ones your soul has come here on Earth to express and share, are needed Now.
* Open to all beings who identify as women. Groups made up of a blend of gender identities may be created if sufficient interest is expressed.